It's about making your business efficient, not your hardware

Your IT department insists everything is OK. All their lights are green and they're meeting the SLA's you agreed on with them. And still your customers and users are waiting a long time before your applications and websites respond.


It's nice when the technology works as it should. But of course you'd rather have your business running efficiently. That applications help your business instead of holding it back.

To know whether your IT is helping your business or not you need to measure. But you shouldn't just measure the technical bits. You want an objective gauge for the efficiency of your business operations. To get that you need to know how fast your websites render on your customers screen, so you retain more customers and you convert more. And if your business processes are running efficiently. Or if your users have needless waits for your applications.

For almost 10 years Sciante has measured and analyzed IT performance from a user and business perspective. Sciante looks at all layers of IT, from the deep technical layers to the layers where the result is felt by customers and users.. Our customers know if their IT is helping or hampering.

Boost your productivity. Get the free white paper.

Out free white paper will give you 3 common causes of unneeded waiting, and what to do about them

It's about making your business efficient, not your hardware